Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac
Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac

downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac
  1. #Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac mac os x
  2. #Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac pro

#Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac mac os x

All the fonts I’m using for testing, bar one, are part of the standard Mac OS X install, so you should just be able to test this out on any Mac. I’m going to have a lot of angry users if I ship using the Aspose converters without resolving this… odt files - and get the same result every time: the fonts in the PDF file are always completely messed up, mostly missing. What gives? I’ve tried converting a range of files - RTF files. I’ve also tried setting the fonts folder using FontSettings, but with no joy (and besides, it is clearly embedding some of the fonts and not others, even though they are all in the system fonts folder). PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions() īut this makes no difference whatsoever. What’s going on here? The code I’m using is straightforward: docx file was created), with all of these fonts on the system the PDF was created on.

#Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac pro

(In another test document, Myriad Pro was discarded, yet it’s included here - so it seems that there is definitely a bug making things act erratically.)īoth of these files were created on the same machine (that is, the PDF file was converted on the same machine on which the.

downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac

All of the other fonts - Helvetica Neue, Garamond, Didot, Cochin and Futura - have been completely discarded. According to File > Properties in Adobe Acrobat, the embedded files are Courier New, Myriad Pro and Times New Roman. As soon as you open it, you will see that the fonts are completely wrong - most of the document is in Times New Roman, even though not a single character of the original used Times New Roman. The PDF file (fontstest.pdf) was converted from the. docx file (fontstest.docx) contains several fonts - Helvetica Neue, Courier New, Garamond, Didot, Myriad Pro Condensed, Cochin and Futura. I’ve attached two files to show what I mean. Sometimes other fonts get embedded, but it seems completely random. Or, at least, very few are - for the most part, only the standard fonts ever get embedded - Times New Roman, Arial and Courier. I’m finding that whenever I try to convert a file to PDF format, no fonts are embedded. I’m using Aspose.Words for Java on Mac OS X (running Lion 10.7.3).

Downloaded fonts not saving as pdf from word for mac